Time, Talent & Treasure


Time, talent, and treasure are three items of value we give to things and more importantly to people who drive our passion.  When we deeply care about something or someone, we will always invest at least one of the above. As an example, assume that you like to play golf, which I do.  It takes at least four hours to play 18 holes.  You need to drive to and from the golf course, you need to warm up and relive the round with your buddies afterwards. It takes all day, as I attempt to convince my better half.  Golf also requires a little treasure.  Clubs, greens fees, balls, and of course golf attire known as swag. Talent is not required. Just come watch me play some days and you will know this to be true.  The point is that I do have a limited passion for golf, so I am willing to invest all the above into this often-frustrating endeavor. 


Depending upon the value of any endeavor, we will give at least one of these items.


Let’s begin this exploration with our treasure.  Treasure would be something of value that you have that others may also desire or need.  Many times, this will be something of economic value. You give money or some type of gift to others because you have the resources and kindness to do so.  Some people give money to worthy causes because that is how they can have an impact on improving the lives of others.  If you have the resources to give, there are a wide array of non-profits that would benefit from your generosity.  You will have little difficulty finding a few that fit with your priorities and passions.  Our treasures do have an impact upon the lives of people that you may never meet as well as those you know extremely well. Giving is often its own reward whether we give to strangers or those you know well. The world needs our $25, $250 or $1 million.  Whatever your ability to give, all gifts of treasure are valuable.


The next gift that we can give to someone is our talent.  We all have specific talents that we can use to benefit others.  We use our expertise and experiences to again help those in need.  Maybe you are a basketball coach that volunteers in your off-season to work a sports camp for underserved kids. Maybe you are the owner of hunting dogs, so you volunteer a couple of days each fall to take those individuals that are bound by wheelchairs and provide them an opportunity to shoot pheasants.  Maybe you are a former cook who now helps prepare thanksgiving meals for those who are food insufficient.  Maybe you take those meals to those in your neighborhood who are without family over the holidays.  Once again, the moral of the story is that we all have certain talents that we can give to increase the happiness of others.  Find your talent and find a method to give it away.


The last and maybe the most valuable of these three is your time.  Time is a finite resource. It is extra important because none of us know how much of it we have remaining in this lifetime.  We guard it, protect it, and prefer to spend it with those that add joy to our journey. Giving of ourselves has immense value and thus it exhibits selflessness.  However because we are human, we sometimes waste our precious resource instead of using it to lead great causes.  I know that I am guilty of this.  I should be reading, calling a friend, exercising, or improving my writing skills.  Instead, I spend four hours in front of the television watching the world series.  I guess we all have our vices and sometimes make poor decisions.  I am attempting to get better and be more disciplined in how I spend my time.  If we prioritize the needs of others, we will feel more productive and waste less of this valuable resource.


When we value people, we give them our time.  We make the time for those we love regardless of how it adds to our plate. It will make our lives more complicated at times and less restful. However, it is so vital in adding value to their lives and ultimately our lives.  It is ironic that the more we give of ourselves, the more fulfillment we feel.  Be significant to those around you whether they understand your gift or not.  Many will fail to recognize your gift in the moment but may realize your commitment to them later in life.  When we give gifts; we shouldn’t expect anything in return.  You invest your time because building strong, authentic relationships are how the success of your life will be measured.


When you find something that drives your passion or purpose in life, INVEST.  You will never regret giving your time, talent, or treasure to a worthy cause or to someone you love.  Give of yourself and make a lasting impact upon the people within your sphere of influence. We all can transform our world for the better!





I am so BUSY


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