The Power of Belief

I believe in You! When we know people believe in our abilities, we walk a little taller and there is an aura of confidence that emanates from us. Words matter. No matter our age or stage in life, we all need to know that others see value in us. Too often we don’t let people know. We refraine from saying something empowering because it makes us feel uncomfortable. Our comfort is more important than lifting someone else up? I say that we change that right now. We can do better.

I am proud of you! Do you recall hearing that from a parent? I am not sure there is a powerful statement when it is delivered with authenticity. In some ways it even carries more weight than letting someone know that you love them. We probably say, “I love you” exponentially more often than saying “I am proud of you.” When kids are young, they hear these words more and for some reason we think that as we mature, we don’t need to hear those words anymore. We assume that they know we are proud of them. I think it may even more important to tell people of all ages about the pride they bring us. As a former teacher, coach, and athletic director; I wish I had used this phrase with students and adults exponentially more. I could have bestowed an amazing gift to them. A simple gift that would lift the receiver to have a bit more confidence as they navigated the stresses of their day.

As the saying goes; “the best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the 2nd best time is today.” Let’s commit to being the person that uplifts those in our lives by using our words to inspire. Use the phrases, “I believe in you” and “I am proud of you” more often.

You may have to work up your own confidence to say, “I believe in you, or I am proud of you.” Maybe we start with something a little less courageous. How about picking out some of the following:

  1. I know you can do it

  2. People trust you

  3. People follow your lead

  4. They look up to you

  5. You are one of the most amazing students I have ever taught

  6. You will do amazing things in your lifetime

  7. We are better with you

  8. That was really cool of you

Can you commit to one or two of those phrases with your students, co-workers, and loved ones? I know you can. It takes a little intentionality and knowing the power of your words. Once again, words matter.

In the movie, Pretty Woman; there is a scene when a senior executive selling his company says to the younger executive (Richard Gear) “I hope this doesn’t sound condescending, but I am proud of you son.” This statement of pride occurs when Gear’s character makes a decision that wasn’t about making more money, it was about showing integrity and doing the right thing.” This was abnormal behavior of Gear’s character. I am proud of you! To quote and good friend, WOW!

We all have times when we doubt ourselves. We doubt our abilities to have an impact at work. We are unsure about our actions making the life of our significant others richer. I am not sure if I am helping my athletes become better people. Do my co-workers see me as a positive force for the team? The point is that we all have times when we doubt our self-worth. There are times we all need a boost of confidence. We need to be reminded that we matter, and our little corner of the world is better when we are around.

Changing your vernacular to include uplifting phrases as listed above may have a profound effect on those lives. It will also enrich your life knowing you are having a greater impact. If you choose to use the power of your words for good, make sure that they are warranted. People will see the words as inauthentic if they are overused. The power of: “I am proud of you, or “I believe in you” are meant to be used to call out impeccable behaviors when they are on display.

Don’t be afraid to show how much you care about folks; they won’t be around forever. Don’t miss those opportunities to change a life with your words! Express your pride and belief in others more. You won’t regret it; you will regret it if you don’t!


Better Thinking


Power of Questions