Spending time in Pilot Rock

It has been my pleasure to work with the athletes, coaches, and administrators of the Pilot Rock School District this past year.  I deeply appreciated their openness while embracing learning opportunities.  Being a part of their community reminded me of my high school experience.

Imagine an evening with ten coaches and about 50 athletes talking, sharing, and working together to establish an expectation of a learning mindset. Then, repeat this experience four more times throughout the year! 

To make this successful, the coaches participated in a three-hour leadership summit in the Fall. This gathering was followed with several conversations with the superintendent, who also happens to be the head baseball coach.  These conversations produced several important themes tailored for their community.  Topics included: leadership, building habits, mental preparedness, decision-making, building trust and feedback. 

Interested in learning more?  Click HERE to view a recap of the sessions.

Interested in exploring in how this experience could benefit your school?  Contact me.


Proactive Coaching Podcast